8 Unexpected Items in Your Car That Could Cause a Serious Accident

When considering car accidents, most people focus on external factors like other drivers, road conditions, or weather. However, did you know some everyday items inside your car could significantly increase your risk of a serious accident?

As a top-rated car accident lawyer in Indianapolis, Vaughn A. Wamsley illuminates these overlooked dangers and offers advice on preventing potential mishaps.

1. Loose Change and Small Objects

While a few coins or small items rolling around your car may seem harmless, they can become hazardous if lodged under your brake or accelerator pedal. In an emergency, even a split-second delay in braking due to an obstruction could result in a severe crash.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that “driver distraction and unintentional negligence” contribute to 94% of all car accidents, underscoring the importance of eliminating avoidable distractions.

2. Unsecured Groceries and Bags

Have you ever placed grocery bags or items like sports equipment on your passenger seat or in the back without securing them? When you brake suddenly, these items can become projectiles, posing a danger to you and your passengers.

Under Indiana law, all drivers must prevent foreseeable dangers that may arise from their actions (or inactions), including properly securing items in the vehicle. You might be held responsible for negligence if unsecured objects lead to a crash.

As an experienced Indiana car wreck lawyer, Vaughn A. Wamsley recommends using the trunk or investing in cargo organizers to avoid potential hazards.

3. Dashboard Decorations and Accessories

Dashboard ornaments like bobbleheads, figurines, or GPS mounts can obstruct your line of sight and impede your reaction time. Indiana’s traffic safety laws require that a driver always maintains a clear and unobstructed view of the road.

A distraction like this could give rise to a negligent driving claim should it result in a serious accident. If you’ve been involved in an accident caused by such distractions, it’s crucial to consult an Indianapolis, Indiana accident attorney for advice.

4. Loose Electronic Devices

Many of us use our phones as navigation tools or for music streaming, but loose devices can easily slide off the dashboard or seat, leading to driver distraction. According to research by the NHTSA, taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds doubles your chances of an accident.

If your device causes you to lose control of the vehicle, it could form the basis of a distracted driving claim. Hand-free mounts are recommended, but even these need to be positioned correctly to avoid any visual obstructions.

An Indianapolis auto accident attorney can help you navigate these complex situations if you are at fault or involved in a distracted driving case.

5. Water Bottles or Other Rolling Objects

A seemingly innocent water bottle can be a huge threat when it rolls underneath your feet, potentially blocking access to the pedals. This is especially dangerous at high speeds or during sudden braking.

Indiana law holds drivers to a high standard of care, meaning any form of negligence, including allowing an obstruction to affect your control of the vehicle, can lead to legal consequences.

A car accident lawyer near me can assess the unique circumstances of your case and determine whether another party’s negligence, such as an improperly secured load in another vehicle, contributed to your accident.

6. Sunglasses on the Dash

Leaving sunglasses on your dashboard can seem convenient, but it poses a serious risk. In the event of a collision, these can become airborne and cause injury to passengers. Also, reflective surfaces can create distracting glares, making it harder to see other vehicles or pedestrians.

According to the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the state reported hundreds of accidents in 2022 due to visual impairments such as sun glare.

Always store sunglasses in their case or designated compartment to reduce risk, and if an accident occurs, an injury lawyer in Indianapolis can help you seek compensation.

7. Hanging Air Fresheners

Though air fresheners provide a pleasant smell in the car, they often dangle directly in front of the driver’s view, obstructing vision. Indiana state law specifies that nothing should hang from the rearview mirror if it blocks a driver’s view of the road. Even a momentary obstruction can increase the risk of accidents, especially when navigating crowded intersections.

If an air freshener played a role in a crash, working with a top-rated car wreck lawyer in Indiana can help determine liability and pursue damages.

8. Pet Carriers and Loose Pets

Pet lovers might be surprised to learn that traveling with an unsecured pet or pet carrier is extremely dangerous. In a crash, an unsecured pet could not only injure itself but also distract the driver at a critical moment. Indiana does not have explicit laws on pet restraints in vehicles, but failing to secure a pet could still lead to civil liability under the broader concept of negligence.

Always use a secured pet carrier or specialized seatbelt to prevent accidents and protect your pet. In the unfortunate event of an accident, an Indianapolis car wreck lawyer can provide legal guidance on the implications of traveling with pets.

Stay Safe by Eliminating Risky Items

While these eight items may seem minor, they can have serious implications for your safety and the safety of others on the road. By eliminating distractions and ensuring your vehicle is free from hazardous objects, you reduce the risk of an accident and protect yourself from potential legal consequences.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a distracted driver or unsecured objects in a vehicle, don’t hesitate to contact Vaughn A. Wamsley, a car accident lawyer in Indianapolis, for professional guidance on your case. You deserve experienced legal representation from a trusted Indianapolis, Indiana, accident attorney to recover the compensation you’re entitled to.

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